Separate and Equal?

One practical benefit to be derived from our electronic communication world is that almost everyone is seemingly accessible.  From the Commander in Chief right down to the teenager living with their parents, everyone is on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, not to mention texting.  With the push of a button, we can be in “communication” with almost anyone we want to.  Nobody is out of reach or inaccessible, a notion that would seem absurd but a few short years ago.  Progress, indeed.

The flip side of this coin is that this egalitarianism has somehow eliminated the need for formal communication protocols, protocols that were in place for very good reasons, and in many cases well-earned reasons.  The refreshing informality and lassies-faire communication that now occurs at lightening speed does not replace the fact that there are status and power differences within and outside organizations.  Managers need to manage.  Executives need to execute visions.  Subordinates need to follow direction.  None of this has changed.  And although access is seemingly limitless and equal, there are people who are the decision makers, who are the ones how hire and fire, and who are the ones who can impact your future.

So next time you send that quick email, post, or text, take a moment to consider who you are sending that to, what their role is, and you would like them to perceive you.  Certainly, it is nice to be able connect with everyone regardless of position and rank, but know that those spots were often well earned, rewards for smarts, effort, and talent.  Recognize that, honor that, and let the egalitarianism come as it may, but let them lead the way.

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