
The Vinyl Dilemma:  Anticipating Anticipation

With the consumer’s ability to access and voluminous library of music by simply pressing a button, actually buying a vinyl record seems a thing of the past. But there are many of us out there who still adhere to our vinyl. I love actual vinyl records and have a fairly nice collection amassed over the years. Typically, I’ll purchase older records, because they are often less expensive than their digital counterparts and I can get 2,3, 4 LPs for the price of 1 CD or Downloadable mp3. But when it comes to newer releases, I have always gone down the road of digital downloads, because the downloads were actually a bit less money and also, I didn’t want to purchase vinyl and not be able to listen to the music on my computer of phone. Even when I really wanted to make a vinyl purchase I did not (in spite of my desire to do so), so downloads it has been.

Recently, however, I bucked that pattern and purchased a new release on vinyl by the musician Marco Benevento, and discovered someone had anticipated my digital dilemma.   Inside the album cover was a small business card-sized piece of paper with a website listed and a code to enter that entitled me to 1 free download of the very same record. Genius! Not only did I get the vinyl I wanted, but I also am now able to play it on my computer or iphone because of the download. So, I made another purchase, this time a rerelease of London Calling by The Clash. Once again, I was met by a business card that gave me info on getting another download. Yes! The dilemma was now gone. I could make my vinyl purchases and also have easy access to that same music electronically. Someone actually took the time to really consider us vinyl-lovers dilemma and resolve it for us. Now that’s anticipating! Now that made me happy!

And isn’t that how you want your clients and customers to feel? My guess is, yes. So be smart, put yourself in their shoes, anticipate their dilemma, resolve it for them, and enjoy their happiness.

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