squirrelThe Squirrels Return Policy

One evening after finally getting our 2 young sons to sleep, my wife and I were lying in bed, exhausted after a fun but long day. As we began to doze off, we suddenly heard the sound to something scurrying and scraping above our 3rd floor ceiling.   Some little critter had found its way into the craw space between the sheetrock and roof, and was now keeping 2 very tired parents from falling asleep.

Next day, we started calling around to see who could help us. After speaking to several rodent control guys (and yes, they were all guys), we decided to go with one based upon some social media recommendations. Let’s call him Joe, because that was really his name. Locating a small hole in the cornice of our home, Joe figured the best solution was to place a one-way door over the hole, so the squirrel could exit but not return. Because of weather, schedules, and the fact Joe had to locate a ladder tall enough to reach to top of our 3-story Philadelphia row home, we had to endure our little squirrel friends (yes, there were 2) for three weeks!

Allow me explain what it’s like having a rodent scurrying, scratching and running above your head is like for 3 weeks. It’s HELL! They wake you up at 2am, just after your kids woke you up at 1am, and right after you had fallen back asleep. They’re supposed to sleep at night, but our squirrels were rather nocturnal. We started to feel very, very worn out each morning when we, I hesitate to say woke up as usually we were already awake, but when we finally got out of bed.

When Joe arrived, he had his rented ladder and went to work. Shortly thereafter, the one-way door was attached and that night we finally slept undisturbed. Knowing there were no more squirrels trying to bury nuts in the sheet rock above us created a much more peaceful atmosphere than we had been experiencing.

About 3 weeks later, at 5 am, I’m awoken by the sound of something once again scurrying above us. “No. No. No!” The squirrels were back. But how? The one-way door was still there. We called Joe and he told us on rare occasions squirrels, because of their territorial instinct, will try to find or nibble and claw another opening. Looking up at our cornice again, there was a nice big chewed up opening right next to the one-way door.

Somehow having to deal with this a second time was far, far worse. I dreaded trying to sleep, knowing that at any minute a squirrel would wake me up. The stress their presence was producing was extracting a significant toll. But Joe assured us he would take care of it. Soon, Joe arrives and 25 minutes later he’s completely covered the gnawed opening with 2 layers of chicken wire. No more squirrels.

Joe recognized the stress we were under. He worked as quickly as possible to resolve the issue, and there was no additional charge. He took pride in bringing peace to people’s homes, as he did to ours, and we are forever grateful.  No is only every business operated like Joe’s…

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